Wednesday, February 2, 2011

NYS Unemployment

How to file for unemployment varies from state to state, but New York is one of the states that make it easy to apply for unemployment, to file your weekly claim, and to get paid your NYS unemployment benefits.
Unemployed New York workers can file for unemployment benefits online or on the phone. The web site has a claims calculator where you can check the number of weeks of unemployment benefits you're eligible. Payment of benefits is available through direct deposit or a direct payment card, which is similar to a debit card.
If you're not sure about your unemployment eligibility, you can still file a claim. If your claim is turned down, there's an appeals process where you can plead your case.
Unemployment benefits vary from state to state. So, if you're not a New York State resident, your state unemployment office will have all the information you need on how to open an unemployment claim, and how to file for your weekly benefits in your location.
NYS Unemployment
Unemployment insurance benefits are available for workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own. Eligibility requirements for collecting unemployment compensation vary from state to state. So, it always makes sense to check eligibility with your State Unemployment Office if you are not sure whether you qualify for unemployment benefits.
Unemployment Benefits
The unemployment compensation you will receive will depend upon the amount you earned while working. In addition, there are eligibilty requirements to qualify for unemployment benefits including working a certain number of weeks. If, for some reason, you are determined not to be eligible for unemployment benefits there is an appeals process available where you can challenge the determination.

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